Desert Rendezvous Robbery
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On October 10, 2016, patrol units responded to a robbery in a remote desert area of Henderson. The victim was contacted by an ex-boyfriend for the purpose of getting together for a sexual encounter.
The victim and the suspect parked in a remote area and began talking in the backseat when a second masked suspect with a gun, entered the vehicle. The ex-boyfriend and masked suspect assaulted the victim and broke the key in the ignition to prevent the victim from escaping. The suspects beat the victim and took his wallet and fled on foot to a nearby neighborhood.
Detectives already had the ex-boyfriend identified but needed to identify the second masked suspect and place him at the scene. Investigative work led to the identity of the second suspect who denied any involvement in the robbery and was prepared to go to court.
Cell phone records were requested for the masked suspect and were provided to the Crime Analysis Section for GeoTime analysis.
The analysis showed the masked suspect texting with the ex-boyfriend just prior to the crime. Mapping showed the masked suspect’s phone near the scene of the crime prior, during and after the robbery.
During a meeting with the district attorney’s office, the second suspect was ready to fight the charges until GeoTime analysis was presented to the suspect’s defense attorney. After reviewing the evidence, the suspect waived his right to a preliminary hearing and opted to plead guilty.
GeoTime Features Used
Formatting of call records
Mapping and animating of suspect phone movements
Connecting suspects together based on their phone records
Both suspects pleaded guilty and were sentenced to 2-5 years in Nevada State Prison.
“GeoTime takes the daunting workload of traditional phone record analysis and makes it quick, efficient, accurate and useful in ANY investigation.”
-Albert Mesa, Crime & Intelligence Analyst, Henderson Police Department